Hello, I’m Chris Hogan.
I have been focused on coaching and helping people for over 26 years! Helping people grow their money, prepare for their future, start and expand businesses. However, the main ingredient in achieving anything is YOU, the person!
So, I’m now going to focus on helping people get more focused so they can go further in life and in business!
We’ve all heard that life is not meant to be done alone! Well, true growth is harder all alone! You need someone to listen, care and push you to help you reach your potential and beyond!
Better is available for those willing to work, sacrifice and strive for it! This is the time and together we will make it happen!

√ Media/National TV Shows
√ Has coached, consulted / trained at Fortune 100, Fortune 500
√ Has consulted on over 10,000 startups.
√ Helped Nonprofits develop clear fundraising initiatives.
√ Worked with all branches of the military.
√ Trained professional athletes in the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL.
√ Worked with celebrity entertainers and musicians.
√ If you are striving for higher results.
√ If you feel the constant pressure to achieve.
√ If your business is causing headaches and heartache.
√ If you feel like your life is not your own.
√ If you feel like you have been leading alone.
√ If you feel like you need someone to hear you and help you.
√ If you want a game plan that will help you get to the next level.
√ If you want to grow and achieve bigger results than ever before.
√ If you feel like you are pushing and pushing but not moving forward.
√ If you feel stuck, trapped, or exhausted.
√ If you feel pulled in 4 different directions.
√ If you feel like you need someone to hear you and guide you.

If you feel any of these feelings then the time is now!
Better is available for those willing to put in the work! Hogan will guide you through a process that’s designed to help you:
√ To get RELIEF
√ To get RE-Focused
√ To get REAL!